Friday, November 1, 2013

Dia de lost Muertos Tribute to John McGeoch - 11/1/13

It seemed appropriate on this day to honor the dead, in Mexico at least, I feature the works of one of post punk's greatest, most genre-defining, influential, imaginative, inventive, probably-some-more-words-that-start-with-I, guitar players.  In less than 10 years' time, John McGeoch was a major part of Magazine (which he co-founded with Howard Devoto), Visage, Siouxsie & the Banshees, The Armoury Show, Public Image Ltd. and even contributed to Skids, Generation X, and a solo album from Ken Lockie.  He is the ultimate post punk....I don't actually know what to call him, really.  Because there's just no one else like him.

So in deep appreciation of his many accomplishments, I present this show as an offering to you and his memory: 

Tribute to John McGeoch

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