Saturday, May 4, 2013

Influences of Post Punk (1956-1975) - 5/4/13

Being the diverse, multi-faceted type of music that post punk is, it stands to reason that it would draw from a very diverse, multi-faceted group of influences.  I don't know if the phrase, "stands to reason" confirms correctness so just in case, it is indeed true that post punk would draw from a very diverse, multi-faceted group of influences.  In fact, not to be a homer here but I defy you to give me any other type of music that can compare.  But one thing many of their influences do have in common is just how trailblazing and innovative they all were.  Beyond just the sound is this spirit of doing something new, something different.  I've said it before and I will say it again (guarantee that I already have by the time you read this), post punk was all about the future of music.  And so were many of their influences.

So tonight's show featured many of them.  If you don't believe me, download the podcast by following the link below:

Influences of Post Punk 1956-1975

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