Sunday, November 24, 2013
Post Punk Workout Mix Tape - 11/23/13
In the spirit of giving thanks this holiday season, I thank food for being so edible. And I thank music for helping motivate me to exercise. You'd think that the fear of obesity and all the subsequent health problems that can come from obesity would be all the motivation I need but it's not. Music is the only thing that makes exercise worthwhile. And this episode of Post Punk For Post Punks is dedicated specifically to the music most worthwhile to make exercise worthwhile.
Happy Thanksgiving and if you want to download the show by clicking on the link below, happy downloading. If not, well then to hell with ya.
Post Punk Workout Mix Tape
Oh yeah and I mentioned during the show that an old episode of mine works pretty well for this purpose as well. If you're interested or just don't believe me, check this one out too:
Old Show Dedicated to the Story of Punk
Friday, November 1, 2013
Dia de lost Muertos Tribute to John McGeoch - 11/1/13
It seemed appropriate on this day to honor the dead, in Mexico at least, I feature the works of one of post punk's greatest, most genre-defining, influential, imaginative, inventive, probably-some-more-words-that-start-with-I, guitar players. In less than 10 years' time, John McGeoch was a major part of Magazine (which he co-founded with Howard Devoto), Visage, Siouxsie & the Banshees, The Armoury Show, Public Image Ltd. and even contributed to Skids, Generation X, and a solo album from Ken Lockie. He is the ultimate post punk....I don't actually know what to call him, really. Because there's just no one else like him.
So in deep appreciation of his many accomplishments, I present this show as an offering to you and his memory:
Tribute to John McGeoch
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Halloween Show 2013 - 10/16/13
Yes, that's right. Halloween is almost here and what better type of music to celebrate with? Post punk has given us some of the spooookiest jams ever and I believe it to be the official soundtrack for the holiday of Halloween. And tonight's show was my unofficial soundtrack for the official soundtrack of Halloween.
Just follow the link below to download the show make things officially unofficially official. And have a happy Halloween while you're at it!
Halloween 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Steve Lilywhite - 10/7/13
One of the truly great producers of the post-punk era, one
who would help evolve the genre and evolve himself into someone who continues to be one of the big names in
mainstream music. He’s
worked with many of our most beloved acts – Siouxsie and the Banshees, XTC,
Peter Gabriel, Psychedelic Furs, U2, Simple Minds, the Chameleons, Big Country,
the Pogues, Morrissey – to name only a few.
Although I guess that was more than a few. So tonight’s show featured all songs he has
produced by these beloved bands and hopefully that means it will be beloved by
you as well.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Guilty Pleasures - 10/1/13
The name says it all. Tonight's show featured songs that feel somewhat within the confines of our beloved post punk/new wave sound but far outside of the confines of what we might be consider cool. And I don't been "cool" in an ironic cool way, as evidenced by the air quotes. But then again I wonder if by acknowledging that very thing, I am in fact being ironic by claiming that I do not appreciate any of this music ironically. Truth be told, it is all pretty lame. But yet still good. Just ike the song says, "It's Hip to be Square" except that song really is lame. But not lame in a lame-but-good kind of way like these other songs are, nor is it, I believe, ironic-lame-but-good at this point. However, check back with me in a few minutes because this is all very subject to change.
Nonetheless, I maintain that all 20-something songs I played tonight were pretty embarrassing for me to like let along play on a radio show. To find out just how many skeletons are buried in my closet, follow the link bellow:
Guilty Pleasures
Friday, September 20, 2013
RERUN - US & UK Power Pop - Originally Broadcast 5/4/09
Another trip back to the Pirate Cat Radio days, which was a trip back to the 1970s, chronicling the power pop scenes in both the US and UK. It's actually one of my favorite shows that I've ever done. On this podcast or even counting all the television sitcoms I've been on, which admittedly isn't any but still.
Download it via link below:
US and UK Power Pop - Original PCR Broadcast 5/4/09
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Great Solos - 9/11/13
While maybe more associated with 70s and 80s rock music, post punk was no stranger to some pretty kick-ass guitar solos. And more than just being kick-ass, some of these solos were approached with the same kind of fresh creativity we've come to expect from the genre. And more than just guitar solos, there were some pretty kick-ass, creative keyboard, bass, and even a drum solo.
This show was all about those moments featuring songs with great instrumental solos. Check it out by going to:
Great Solos of Post Punk
Friday, September 6, 2013
RERUN! - American 80s Alternative Show - Originally Broadcast 1/26/09
Another greatest hit from back in the Pirate Cat Radio days, this was my homage to the uprise of American alternative rock of the 1980s, as the post punk sound would evolve into something more roots-inspired and eventually, mainstream. While maybe that doesn't sound inherently like a great thing, the music was great and interesting and I believe you can even get college credit for listening to it At least 80s college credit. Check out the link below:
American Alternative 80s (original PCR broadcast - 1/26/09)
Monday, August 26, 2013
Obscure Australia - 8/26/13
Australia is a country, continent, island, and vastly underrated producer of vastly underrated post punk music. It's possible that Australia may be technically too large to be considered an island but the rest of what I said still applies. And tonight's show focused on the post punk music aspect of that statement.
In fact, to better illustrate my point, I didn't play bands like the Church, the Birthday Party, the Go-Betweens, Icehouse, INXS, or Midnight Oil. I didn't even play the Hoodoo fucking Gurus for God's sake!
Instead, I focused purely on the lesser known punk, post punk, and new wave bands to come from Australia and avoided all the ones most of us know about over here. Have I lost my mind? Absolutely not! While it's always nice to hear from some of those folks I mentioned above, you will hardly miss them while listening to the likes of Whirlywirld, The Boys Next Door,
the Ears, the Riptides, The Scientists, Jimmy and the Boys, Models, the Fabulous Marquises, and so many more!
And what kind of place is there where punk evolved
independently, at the exact same time or even before some of the much more high
profile scenes in New York, London, and Los Angeles? It’s almost like an alternate universe down
there. A Down Underverse. This is what I explored on tonight's episode. Normally, you'd need about 18 of the fastest ships and a Stargate to go to Australia but now you can just click on my link below and be there in minutes. And feel free to bring along all the flora and fauna you like.
Obscure Australia - 8/26/13
Obscure Australia - 8/26/13
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Post Punk World Tour - Part 4 - The Orient
On this final leg of our journey, I figured I would stop off in the Far East and check out its impact on post punk and new wave music. While that impact is once again, not crazy huge, I still continue to be impressed with the amount of diverse influences our diverse genre draws from. And yet despite all that, it still has its own very distinct character. It's not just some eclectic mess.
Hear it for yourself by following the link below:
Post Punk World Tour Part 4 - The Orient
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Post Punk World Tour - Part 3 - The Middle East
Yes, the Middle East. Cradle of life. Epicenter for some of the world's major religions. And hotbed of post punk influence? Well, maybe not really. Although I'm not totally sure what a "hotbed" is exactly. I can say that some of the traditional Middle Eastern sound did make its way into the some of the post punk music you know and love. Sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly, and almost always good.
Tonight's show was a hotbed of recognition for the influences of the Middle East as our world tour continued to....the Middle East. Your ears are welcome to come along on this journey but will require your fingers to click on the link below:
Post Punk World Tour - Part 3 - The Middle East
Monday, August 5, 2013
Post Punk World Tour - Part 2 - Spain and Latin America - 8/5/13
For our next stop on this world tour, I explored the Latin effect and influence on post punk music. Was it a particularly huge effect? No but once again, it continues to amaze and impress me how many different styles post punk has borrowed from. I guess technically, they didn't "borrow" from those styles because they never necessarily gave it back. Although they did give us some great music so maybe it's more like a pay-it-forward kind of thing.
And you can feel free to borrow this episode of mine, listen to it, and never give it back. All you have to do is click on the link below and download the mp3:
Post Punk World Tour Part 2 - Spain and Latin America
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Post Punk World Tour - Part 1 - The Islands - 7/30/13
I figured with Summer just around the corner (a couple months ago, it was), it might be nice to take a little vacation. But since I generally hate actually going anywhere, this vacation would exist in the form of my beloved post punk music, focusing on some of the various exotic locales whose own music and culture would influence my own.
The first stop on this journey was to the islands. What islands are these, exactly? Hell if I know. Anywhere with sandy beaches and palm trees and monkey butlers will do just fine. And lush jungles work too. The sounds of these places would have a very significant impact on post punk and this show was all about that. Feel free to metaphorically join me on this metaphoric trip, not by air or by sea, but by whatever we call internet travel now. Just click on the link below:
Post Punk World Tour - Part 1 - The Islands
Friday, July 19, 2013
A Tribute to Bernard Sumner - 7/20/13
Anyway, I thought Bernard Sumner deserved some serious accolades for his many achievements and for just being underrated in my book. But he's definitely not underrated on my show and tonight's episode served as a tribute to his body of work. I didn't mean it as any kind of dis to his band mates or any of the talented producers he's worked with or anything. I just thought he deserved special mention.
For all of this special mention and plenty of great, great songs, follow the link below to download the episode:
A Tribute to Bernard Sumner
Saturday, July 13, 2013
RERUN! - Classic Episode of PP4PP - Virgin Records Show - (Originally Broadcast 6/29/09)
Since I've been featuring some of the key independent labels of post punk lately, why not flash back to a "classic" episode of Post Punk For Post Punks, from back in the Pirate Cat Radio days, which covered an indie label who, largely through the magic of punk and post punk music, built itself into a major?
And since I can't think of any reasons why not, I'm going to go ahead and re-post that show. It was dedicated to Virgin Records and you can download it by following the link below. I'll be back next week with something brand new.
Virgin Records (original Pirate Cat Radio broadcast - 6/09)
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Slash Records - 7/4/13
Since it's a holiday week over here, I figured I would post this episode a little early. And since this episode was dedicated to Slash Records, it feels prudent that I should post it on the 4th of July as no other post punk indie label represented the sound of America quite like Slash. What started as a fanzine covering the LA punk scene quickly turned into a trailblazing label whose artists would provide the pivotal link between punk and the American alternative sound of the 1980s.
I've said this before in podcasts and I will say it again in print - the beautiful thing about indies like Slash and the others I've featured recently on this show is that they truly change the world in a way that majors can't. Not that major labels aren't extremely important too, it's just that for them, artists, scenes, and styles come and go. They're never completely attached to one thing and generally want a diversified roster, representing different genres. That's not necessarily bad either, it's essential to their survival, it's just that in terms of the music, major labels don't stand for anything. It's the smaller, indie labels that really help establish new, outside music movements, bringing them up from the underground.
It's been a lot of fun for me to cover some of them these last few weeks and hopefully, they're fun to listen to. Or at the very least, just fun to download. To do just that, follow the link below and hit the corresponding download button:
Slash Records
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Mute Records - 6/29/13
Mute Records, the 4th indie label I've featured on this podcast in a row and of the true greats. For post punk and especially for electronic music in general. Not only did Mute release some really wonderful stuff but they seemed dedicated to doing something actually new. To push the creative envelope of what music could be.
Like many of these great indie labels, that logo is so visceral. Growing up, I remember looking through all my albums and just seeing logos like Mute and IRS and Stiff and Beggars Banquet and 4AD, not having any idea at the time who they were and who exactly was behind them but knowing they were something which stood for my musical interests. That I could trust anything with that symbol on it. In a time before the internet and before I even had friends with similar tastes or understood much about music myself, that was a pretty big deal. Maybe in some ways an even bigger deal now, since it also represents an era gone by forever. I am so glad to have lived in that era and been some part of all of this as a fan. Hey, I guess that's why I do this podcast!
And speaking of which, click on the link below to listen to the very latest episode, once again dedicated to Mute Records.
Mute Records
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Beggars Banquet Records - 6/22/13
While the Lurkers were the first band Beggars Banquet ever signed, this small, indie label was built on post punk and would go on to become one of the largest, conglomerate group of independents whose artists would change the world several times over.
My show tonight was dedicated to Beggars Banquet, who dedicated themselves to bringing us some of the greatest, most classic post punk music around. No other indie had quite as many of the heavy hitters and what's equally impressive is how they were able to transition to the alternative sound and continue to thrive in the 90s and whatever we call these last couple decades we live in now.
To both appreciate their contribution and enjoy some great music, I would highly suggest clicking on that link below and downloading this episode. Oh yeah, and make sure to listen to it too.
Beggars Banquet Records
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Stiff Records - 6/15/13
Continuing my series of the great, independent labels of the punk, post punk, and new wave genres, this week's episode was dedicated to one of the very greatest and most seminal - Stiff Records. And while these kinds of indie labels were not necessarily new, they probably played more of a key role in the shaping of post punk than any other type of music, as no other type of music embodied the DIY spirit quite as completely.
Beyond even the music though, the story of Stiff Records is also a fine example of an underdog's triumph over adversity and the difficult journey it was to get there. Hopefully I have represented it well in the podcast, whose link lies below this very sentence. Feel free to download it, as it happens to also be free.
Stiff Records
Saturday, June 8, 2013
415 Records - 6/8/13
Tonight I kicked off a little theme within themes on Post Punk For Post Punks, featuring some of the great independent labels of the genre. Labels who would changed the face of music and culture and they did it solely because they believed in something new and different and just had to share it with their fellow man. There is no way that punk, post punk, new wave, and alternative music would have reached the people and grown the way they did without labels like this and I want to celebrate them on my show.
I begin this journey close to home, with my own local heroes, 415 Records. Not only were they based out of San Francisco but they were generally committed to supporting Bay Area bands and pretty much singlehandedly put our fair region on the underground map. Besides some of the more well-known groups like Romeo Void, Wire Train, and Translator, there are plenty of lost treasures to be found here as well, like the Units, the Offs, SVT, and more. To find out more about "more" and to enjoy some of the fine work those people I just mentioned did, you have only to click on the link below and download this episode:
415 Records
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Before They Were Stars - 6/1/13
What do bands like Flip City, Vice Versa, Composition of Sound, Big in Japan, A Shallow Madness, Special Affect, Willow the Wisp, Graduate, and Catch all have in common? They all featured some very well-known post punk and new wave artists before they were well-known. That's what this show was all about. I played stuff by these bands as well as just very early tracks from many of the post punk elite.
It's like one of those Before They Were Stars shows or magazine spreads except instead of embarrassing photos, it's good music, albeit sometimes a little on the raw side.
As always, download the show by clicking on the link below. I suppose I don't need to tell you that anymore but then again, people still say "Leave your name and number after the beep" on their voice mail messages so maybe I've got some more time here.
Before They Were Stars
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Post Punk Road Trip (Part 2: The Night) - 5/25/13
Like I said last week, there are really two types of road trips. Or maybe I should have said that there are two distinct parts to a road trip. At the very least, there are two distinct road trip episodes of Post Punk For Post Punks. Last week's show was meant to cover the portion that takes place during the day and this week's was meant for night time.
What is the difference between daytime road trip songs and night time road trip songs? I know many scholars have struggled with this question for years and I believe I finally have the answer. To find out what that answers is, click on the link below to download the show and then listen to that show and then laugh at the next scholar you see.
But be warned, I really did try to approach these with the idea of actually accompanying a real road trip in mind, so this show is another long one. But if you're really out there on the road at night, what else are you going to do? Drink alcohol? Send text messages? Transport certain fruits across state lines? Forget it, those things are all illegal. You're stuck having to listen to me. Hopefully it's a good kind of stuck though, like that Huey Lewis & the News song, "Stuck on You", although not like the actual sound of the song. And don't worry, I didn't play that song or anything else by HL&TN either. To find out what else I didn't play, click on the link below!
Road Trip 2 - The Night Drive
What is the difference between daytime road trip songs and night time road trip songs? I know many scholars have struggled with this question for years and I believe I finally have the answer. To find out what that answers is, click on the link below to download the show and then listen to that show and then laugh at the next scholar you see.
But be warned, I really did try to approach these with the idea of actually accompanying a real road trip in mind, so this show is another long one. But if you're really out there on the road at night, what else are you going to do? Drink alcohol? Send text messages? Transport certain fruits across state lines? Forget it, those things are all illegal. You're stuck having to listen to me. Hopefully it's a good kind of stuck though, like that Huey Lewis & the News song, "Stuck on You", although not like the actual sound of the song. And don't worry, I didn't play that song or anything else by HL&TN either. To find out what else I didn't play, click on the link below!
Road Trip 2 - The Night Drive
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Post Punk Road Trip (Part 1: Daytime) - 5/18/13
Since it's summer or almost summer, at least in the northern hemisphere of Earth, I thought I would put together a show based on the idea of a road trip with some of the best songs ever made for such an occasion. It became immediately clear to me though that there really are two types of road trips. One that takes place during the light of day and one that takes place during the non-light of night.
So this first show is dedicated to the daytime portion of your road trip. It's also the longest show I've ever done but given the fact that a road trip is generally something that takes a while anyway, I figured it was a propos. Or perhaps even chocolate mousse. I don't actually speak French but I do know that there are also a lot of post-punk/new wave/alternative songs that really lend themselves to driving so there's another reason why the show went long. In fact, I didn't even get everything in I wanted to. Driving and music is just such a perfect marriage. I'm sure they will remain together for a long time so I may revisit this down the road, no pun intended (but that's only because I didn't realize it was a pun at first - if I had, it would have been intended).
Anyway, the link to download the show is below. It's almost like taking a very brief road trip through the information super-highway!
The Post Punk Road Trip (Part 1: Daytime)
So this first show is dedicated to the daytime portion of your road trip. It's also the longest show I've ever done but given the fact that a road trip is generally something that takes a while anyway, I figured it was a propos. Or perhaps even chocolate mousse. I don't actually speak French but I do know that there are also a lot of post-punk/new wave/alternative songs that really lend themselves to driving so there's another reason why the show went long. In fact, I didn't even get everything in I wanted to. Driving and music is just such a perfect marriage. I'm sure they will remain together for a long time so I may revisit this down the road, no pun intended (but that's only because I didn't realize it was a pun at first - if I had, it would have been intended).
Anyway, the link to download the show is below. It's almost like taking a very brief road trip through the information super-highway!
The Post Punk Road Trip (Part 1: Daytime)
Saturday, May 11, 2013
An Evening With Depeche Mode - 5/11/13
I guess this show could have been called "A Lifetime With Depeche Mode" as it not only covers a good portion of both the band's lifetime as well as my lifetime with the band but somehow, that sounded kind of cheesy. Even for me. If anything, I wish I would have called it "An Evening With Julio Iglesias" but it's probably too late for that now.
Plus I also didn't play any Julio Iglesias. I only played Depeche Mode and I did so because they really are a special band. They were incredibly significant in the development of alternative as well as electronic music but beyond that, they have a particularly important connection with their fans and I don't think that's an accident. The story that is their music and their development is something many of us can relate to and be inspired by, whether we know it or not. And whether you know it or not, you can download the show by clicking on the link below:
An Evening With Depeche Mode
Plus I also didn't play any Julio Iglesias. I only played Depeche Mode and I did so because they really are a special band. They were incredibly significant in the development of alternative as well as electronic music but beyond that, they have a particularly important connection with their fans and I don't think that's an accident. The story that is their music and their development is something many of us can relate to and be inspired by, whether we know it or not. And whether you know it or not, you can download the show by clicking on the link below:
An Evening With Depeche Mode
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Influences of Post Punk (1956-1975) - 5/4/13
Being the diverse, multi-faceted type of music that post punk is, it stands to reason that it would draw from a very diverse, multi-faceted group of influences. I don't know if the phrase, "stands to reason" confirms correctness so just in case, it is indeed true that post punk would draw from a very diverse, multi-faceted group of influences. In fact, not to be a homer here but I defy you to give me any other type of music that can compare. But one thing many of their influences do have in common is just how trailblazing and innovative they all were. Beyond just the sound is this spirit of doing something new, something different. I've said it before and I will say it again (guarantee that I already have by the time you read this), post punk was all about the future of music. And so were many of their influences.
So tonight's show featured many of them. If you don't believe me, download the podcast by following the link below:
Influences of Post Punk 1956-1975
So tonight's show featured many of them. If you don't believe me, download the podcast by following the link below:
Influences of Post Punk 1956-1975
Saturday, April 27, 2013
WE'RE BACK??? YES!!!! - 4/27/13
Pirate Cat Radio is long gone but I figured what the hey, recording a weekly podcast on my own can't be that hard, can it? Actually, it's kind of tricky. Very similar to taking one of those ski lifts where it gets to the top and it seems easy enough to just kind of slide out and head down the slope but things never quite go that smoothly and there's at least a second or two where you wonder if you might not properly exit this thing and will be stuck on the bench (or worse) but you manage to avoid this fate and get off the lift yet still, it doesn't feel right somehow.
That's pretty much like what recording my own podcast is like. Nonetheless, I am going to try it anyway and will have a new show up here soon. May God have mercy on our souls. Which I don't mean to sound morbid or melodramatic, I just figure it couldn't hurt if He does, right?
That's pretty much like what recording my own podcast is like. Nonetheless, I am going to try it anyway and will have a new show up here soon. May God have mercy on our souls. Which I don't mean to sound morbid or melodramatic, I just figure it couldn't hurt if He does, right?
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